A Healthy Living Approach for Physical, Mental, Social, and Spiritual Harmony
Ayurveda Therapy, Windsor
Ayurveda is an ancient health system used by millions of people in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. It comes from the words ‘AYUR’ meaning life and ‘VEDA’ meaning science or knowledge. When combined it refers to the philosophy of ‘the knowledge of life’. Ayurveda is based on the principle of healthy living and therapeutic measures that can be used to promote physical, mental, social and spiritual harmony.
What to expect
Because ayurveda is based on the principle of whole health, We will need to develop a thorough assessment of all the factors that contribute to your state of health. This will include a an assessment of your body type (Dosha) and any health concerns you may have. The initial consultation for Ayurveda is approximately 1.5 hours. Prior to your next appointment, we will formulate a comprehensive, individualized treatment plan. Treatment plans may include any of the following:
Ayurveda Treatments
- Acupuncture to balance energy
- A meal plan and advice about diet
- Yoga postures
- Exercise program
- Meditation
- Herbal remedies
- Massage (head, face, feet, whole body or other localized area)
- Panchakarma (cleaning/detoxification)

Pulse Diagnosis
Certain ailments affect how your heart and circulatory system function. For thousands of years, before x-rays and modern technology, the only way for healers to assess the strength of your circulatory system, was to use pulse diagnosis. In addition to reading your pulse, the feel of your pulse on your wrist artery, the shape of the artery and the amount of blood flow, all have a direct correlation to the proper functioning of the body.
At different locations on the wrist, your pulse is examined for the rate, strength, and quality. In combination with other factors, such as skin tone, respiration, and energy level. pulse diagnosis is a painless, inexpensive, and non-invasive method to aid in diagnosis of specific ailments and conditions. Pulse diagnosis must accompany proper and thorough physical examination, but it can help pinpoint or rule out causes for health problems.